Wednesday, February 19, 2025

QuiltCon Memories

It's QuiltCon season! The show floor opens Thursday in Phoenix so I want to gather memories of past QuiltCon's all in one post!   Memories

My first QuiltCon was Savannah in 2017 - photos above. I had only recently discovered the MQG and joined my local guild. I knew very few people when the show started but knew so many more once it ended! I got to meet blog friends in person and met a slew of folks when volunteering. The show was so incredibly inspiring and I knew I found my people. 

My very first quilt to be accepted into QuiltCon was Briar Rose in Nashville, 2019. I was over the moon thrilled to have a quilt in the show! In fact, I spent too much time 'stalking' my quilt - standing away from it and watching to see people look at it.

Volunteering is one of my favorite things to do at QuiltCon, especially the Wednesday registration time period - you see so many friends and quilting royalty. A bit of both in this photo from Auston, 2020.

Top: PaigeKarenLinda
Middle: SarahJacquieKitty
Bottom: TaraAnjaChrista

I had an amazing total of  4 quilts on display in the virtual QuiltCon Together in 2021

Boomerang - which was also featured as a pattern in QuiltCon magazine - along with CarnivalCartwheel and Astro. Astro was a MQG quilt of the month. 

I missed attending Phoenix in 2022 - too much Covid anxiety - but 3 of my quilts were there. Boomerang hung in the actual show (the MQG allowed quilts to be resubmitted that had been juried into QuiltCon Together.) 

I Believe in Dragons was part of the Small Quilt category.  (Read more about it here.)

Left Turn was part of the Hexagon Challenge.  (Read more about it here.)

QuiltCon in 2023 was in Atlanta. I had two quilts in the show. Patent Pending was a fun group quilt and I enjoyed doing 'ta da' photos with everyone.

 Linda @florishingpalms, Kitty @nightquilter, Charles @feltlikesweets, Val @valbetweenquilts, and Me (kneeling);2nd row Pat @peacockcreekdesigns and Sarah @saroy; Not pictured - Yvonne @quiltingjetgirl

My quilt Decade was part of the MQG 10th anniversary exhibit.

Finally, QuiltCon 2024 was in Raleigh, about 20 minutes away from my home which gave me lots of time for volunteering - still a favorite activity! I was fortunate enough to have 3 quilts in the show. Echo, which was also in QuiltCon magazine gallery, Mending Fences, and The Twist.

It's been a blast revisiting all these prior shows.

Phoenix, here I come!

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Monday, February 17, 2025

Cute Economy Blocks - Progress Report

I love Ruby Star fabric and have been having great fun for months making economy blocks where the centers are from two panels. I've now got all the 4" x 4" finished squares sewn into 12" x 12" finished blocks.

When I made the nine patches, I payed attention to color and not necessarily the cute pattern inside the squares. As I result, I've got some fun unplanned combination. In the bottom row alone, there is a lion roaring at a turtle (center) and a bear giving side-eye to some gummy bears (right)!

This quilt is for us as a couch quilt and I look forward to discovery other fun 'vignettes' when the blocks are all sewn together.

Next up is to create blocks from all the 3" x 3" finished squares.

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Monday, February 3, 2025

New iPad Case

After purchasing a new iPad, I wanted a soft case to keep it protected especially when I carry it in a bag. Isn't this fabric from Ruby Star just perfect?

The gold works perfectly as both the lining and the accent on the front of the bag. I used two layers of fusible fleece to give it some thickness. No pattern for this one - I really just made it up as I went.

P.S. I have a tutorial that I wrote back in 2014 for making an iPad case which involves binding. 

Have a wonderful day! Patty