Sunday, July 26, 2015

Block 101 - The 4 Patch

Simple.  Versatile.  Ubiquitous.   (Wait, I said that about the HST block too!)

The 4 patch block is a basic foundation block which is used as part of countless other blocks.

To assemble, you need four squares of equal size.  

Fold the pieces on the right over on top of the pieces of the left (right sides together) and bring to your machine.  Sew.

See that piece of thread which connects these together - don't cut that!

  Open and press seams towards the dark side.  (May the force be with you!)

Fold the bottom squares onto the top (right sides together) and align against the seam.  With your seams pressed towards the dark side, the two pieces will nestle together nicely.

Pin right at that seam intersection.

Sew together and press open.

And from the wrong side.

The table below can help you figure out how big you need to cut the initial squares in order to get the 4 patch size you want.

For example, for a 4 patch that will finish at 4” in your finished quilt, you need to cut the initial two squares at 2½”.

The formula is easy -  take any finish size you need for the 4 patch, divide that number by 2 and then add ½”.

Have a wonderful day! Patty

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting all the blocks up. I haven't quilted for a while and I am now visually impaired and I need to get over the fear of looking at my sewing machine and crying, I have no vision in my left, partial in my right so I am so clumsy. But U gave decuded to go back to the beginning and start from scratch to built my confidence. So thank you so very much for giving me the gift of a new beginning.


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