Monday, February 21, 2022

My Quilts at QuiltCon Phoenix

My Quilts went to QuiltCon but I stayed home.

I was scheduled to go - workshop, lectures, hotel reservations and airline tickets were all in hand.  But after several days of agonizing decision processing, I decided to stay home.  Because of the health of a family member, I just couldn't take the risk of bringing Covid into the home.

But my quilts were there!

I Believe in Dragons was part of the Small Quilt category.  (Read more about it here.)

Left Turn was part of the Hexagon Challenge.  (Read more about it here.)

Boomerang was part of the Piecing Catgory.  Boomerang was also featured in QuiltCon Together in 2021.  (Read more about it here.)

From everything I saw on IG and heard from friends who attended, the show was spectacular and filled with amazing quilts.  I'm honored and proud to have 3 quilts in the show.

Now, mark my calendar for QuiltCon 2023 in Atlanta!

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. I think it is an honor to have one quilt on display at QuiltCon, but what an honor to have 3. I'm sorry you were not able to go, but I think you made the right decision. For me, I just got to anxious thinking about the crowds at a quilt show and the risk of getting ill and spreading it to another person. Once I made the decision to not go, the anxiety went away. There will be more quilt shows in our future and signs are getting better that we will one day not have to worry about covid.

  2. I can so relate. Without the having quilt in the show part ;) Congrats! Having three displayed is such an honor.

    After lots of internal and external discussion I also canceled. Not for the health of someone else but my own and all the crazyness about international travel. In some parts in hidesight I might have been ok, but the idea of sitting mingling with vacinated and unvacinated people, untested in close spaces... I think my brain will need a few month and a hopefully calmer next winter to get used to that idea again...

    PS: If it does work out, maybe we can meet up in Atlanta ;)

  3. Such a hard year and hard decisions. I am glad the next two are closer and am planning on Atlanta!


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