I store my scraps smaller than a F8 sorted by color. When the small bins start to overflow, its time to take them out for a spin! Such was the case for my orange/yellow/gold/brown bin. The colors also suggested fall so I had a bit of improv fun and created my mini circle quilt below.
When the circle mini was done, I had a bit of a flashback to a piece of artwork that hung in the living of my parents home in the 70s!
The orange peels came about because I am thinking about doing a 100 day project to make a bunch of orange peel blocks. Using my orange scraps was a great way to practice and sitting on the back porch on a warm fall afternoon was just a perfect way to spend some time.
It was some good practice too because I sewed way too many stitches for my first orange peel and my stitching got more even and faster over time. I'm looking for a handwork project and although not a big fan of needle turned applique, I may just give this a try.
I'm not done with my orange box of scraps so more play time ahead!
Have a wonderful day!