Wednesday, October 27, 2021

QuiltCon 2022 Entries

Quiltcon will be held in Phoenix in February and the deadline for submitting entries is October 31.  (This is a month earlier than last year!)

I have entered 5 quilts and took advantage of a pretty day to take the photographs outdoors.

My 2020 temperature quilt was entered into the special exhibit of temperature quilts.  I had so much fun making this one (it was finished in April - see the blog post) and it currently hangs on the wall in my studio.  There are so many different blocks you can use to record temperatures and I'm really looking forward to the exhibit to see what the quilts look like.

My improv quilt I Believe in Dragons was entered into the Small Quilt Category.  I debated whether to enter into improv but decided on small quilts.

This quilt was made for a guild challenge.  You can read more about it here.

To take the photos, I use this quilt stand (affiliate link) . To hang the quilts without a hanging sleeve, I pinned ribbons to the back of the quilt - it worked great!

My camera was on a tripod and I play around with different camera settings and take lots of photos of each quilt.  I used my phone to get the detailed shots.

Just because it was fun, I did set the timer and jumped into a photo with each quilt.  

I also entered my quilt Boomerang which was juried into QuiltCon Together.  I was lucky enough to have this quilt selected for a MQG exhibit at Quilt Festival in Houston which means it will automatically be juried into the show.  I entered it into the Pieced category.

My last two submitted quilts (Tangram and Left Turn) are challenge quilts for the fabric challenge and the hexagon challenge. I plan to put together a specific post on each of these quilts and look forward to sharing them soon.

Yvonne from QuiltJetGirl has started an initiative to #CelebrateMyQuiltSubmission.  I love this idea because it recognizes that it takes a bit of courage to actually submit a quilt to a show.  Acceptance and rejections letters will be sent on December 15.  Fingers crossed.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. These are wonderful quilts. Love your photo set up and the fun photo of you with your quilts. Sorry I won't be at Quilt Con this year and will miss seeing you and the quilts.

  2. I love that you set a timer and took a photo of yourself with each entry. I'm sure that the temperature quilt exhibit is going to be really fun to peruse. Good luck with your submissions and congratulations for having 5 to submit this year; that's wonderful!

  3. Good luck Patty. Your quilts are wonderful.

  4. Those will definitely receive acceptance letters!

  5. It takes a lot of effort and courage to enter and I wish you all the best!

  6. Those are all fun quilts! That's a great way to photograph the quilts, too.

  7. I wish you success with your submissions. The quilts are all beautiful and are wonderfully presented. I love the timer pic too!


Thanks for visiting Elm Street Quilts. Looking forward to hearing from you!