Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Hand Pieced QAL - the center Square in a Square alternative

Looking for an alternative way to create the center of our Eula block? 

Here is a quick tutorial on using the flip & stitch method to create our center as a Square in a Square (SinS) block.   (This is very similar to the Flying Geese tutorial).

For Eula, you will need:

  • (1) large 3 1/2 " square (shown in white) 
  • (4) small 2" squares (shown in blue)

On the wrong side of the smaller squares, draw your stitching line on the diagonal, making sure it starts and stops 1/4'' from the edge.    (See the tutorial on marking stitching lines.)

Align a single smaller square along one corner of the larger square and stitch along marked stitched lines.  Trim away the excess, leaving a 1/4'' seam  (see photo below), fold back corner and finger press.  Align a second smaller square along one corner of the larger square and stitch along marked lines.  Trim away the excess leaving a 1/4'' seam, fold back corner and finger press.  Repeat to attach all corners.

Pictured: Famore snipsOLFA rotary cutterClover clips 

The smaller squares can be attached in any order.  Your finished unit should match the dimensions of the larger square - trim carefully if needed.

Please follow the rest of the assembly instructions on Kristin's post to complete your Eula block!

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. Thanks for sharing the alternative technique. Looking forward to trying something new.

  2. Thanks. I'm going to give this method a try. I've been enjoying this QAL.

  3. Thank you for sharing the alternative method of making the center block. Learning lots with hand stitching.


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