Monday, August 22, 2016

Left behind a quilt and a piece of my heart

Freshman move in day was Friday.  The university made the whole process quite easy.  There were people waiting to help you carry things up several flights of stairs.

Roommates to meet.

Beds to be made.  (See a full picture of the dorm quilt here.)

Before I knew it, she was ready for us to leave.

I've known that moment was coming for a long time.   Every stitch I put in the quilt was one step closer to that moment.

I was proud she was ready.  Me?  Not so ready.

But leave we did.  I cried a few tears in the car and promptly made chocolate chip cookies when I got home.

She isn't so far away so I know I'll see her again soon, if not just to deliver something she forgot to pack.  And technology will make keeping in touch quite simple.

Now the house has a different kind of quiet.   I've closed the door to her room so I can just pretend she is sleeping late.

I think I'll go quilt.  Those white cinder block dorm walls need a quilt to brighten things up.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. Oh, Patty, I remember well! I cried every time my daughter entered the room the whole summer before taking her off to college. It was only the two of us for so many years and it was, frankly, a gut wrenching experience. Her quilt looks great! She must be over the moon with it! XO

  2. I remember that day so well. It is so hard to send them off in the big world. I'm glad she will remain close enough to visit.

  3. Hugs Patty. I think marathon quilting is in order.

  4. It's tough to have our "babies" leave home. Chocolate chip cookies sound like the perfect thing to soothe the soul. :O)


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