Friday, December 13, 2019

My Quilts are Staying home

I opened my email Tuesday morning to find none of the 3 quilts I submitted to QuiltCon were juried into the show.  I was (and still am) disappointed but entering quilts into shows is not what defines or motivates me as a quilter.  The process of creating is the motivator.  I get great pleasure in every step of the process.


Not getting into the show doesn't mean my quilts are bad.  It just means the jury was looking for something different. I've heard that over 1600 quilts were entered for consideration which means for a show that will hang about 350 quilts, a lot of rejection emails were sent out.

The Happiness Tree
I'm glad I had the courage to enter the show and face the chance of rejection.  I was fortunate to have a quilt hang at the show in 2019 and will try again for the show in 2021.

For those of you how entered a quilt and for those of you whose quilt was accepted, congratulations!

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. Congratulations for having 3 quilts to submit and being willing to face the chance of rejection; I really enjoy your work and hope to see it in 2021. I definitely do not envy the jury (or judges) the task of selecting from such a wealth of wonderful quilts.

  2. It's so true - it's not that your quilts are not worthy, just that they were looking for something else. I am a bit surprised that one of these did not make it, in my opinion, especially the last one. And it is good that you make them for a different purpose than just to be in a show. Life is not always golden, thanks for sharing one of your not so golden moments. It's very refreshing.

  3. Sorry to hear, but kudos for submitting quilts. Maybe next year.

  4. Your quilts are fabulous. I agree, they were looking for something specific.

  5. I think your quilts are wonderful, keep creating and next hear might be the year.

  6. I LOVE all of the quilts you post-they make me smile & happy. It is always amazing when I gaze upon the rejected quilts & think REALLY? My VTQF teacher, Sarah Bond from Philly, was rejected this year. I sat here shaking my head...Know your blog readers adore your creations! Susan

  7. Patty, I'm sorry that these did not make the show. Competition is tough! Have you considered entering them in other shows? What comes to mind is the Wisconsin Quilt Expo which is becoming a significant regional show. [Will you be at QuiltCon? I'm going, for the first time.]


Thanks for visiting Elm Street Quilts. Looking forward to hearing from you!