Friday, January 24, 2025

Blue Scraps

Corralling my fabric stash so that it fits in the allotted storage area can be a challenge. A recent fabric purchase to support supplies for a queen-sized quilt displaced a bin of blue solid scraps from the bookshelf.

Instead of stashing them in a closet, I decided to use blue and other pops of color to make large pineapple blocks with a goal of creating a quilt to donate to my guild's community giving. The blocks are FPP using this paper. Its a great project to sit down and make when you just want something to sew.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. The blocks look great and the pops of color are going to be fun accents. Have fun!

  2. The pop of apricot adds interest. I look forward to seeing how these turn out!

  3. I like the pops of colour. A good way to use scraps.


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