Friday, November 6, 2020

My Pebble Pop blocks

At the end of September, I took a virtual workshop from Daisy (@warmfolk) to make blocks for her Pebble Block quilt.  (You can read more about that class here.)

I've been wanting to make a quilt for a family member using grays and blacks and decided this would be the perfect pattern.

I've got 4 blocks so far.  They have been the perfect block to work on while we wait for the election results to settle down.

I decided to use whatever scraps of white-ish fabric I had in my stash and think the different color whites will add some interest.   I'm aiming for a throw size quilt - since these blocks finish at 9'', this means making 36 of them.  

4 down, 32 to go.  I've got plenty of grays to work with!  (Although I imagine a little fabric acquisition will be needed along the way!)

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. I really love seeing these blocks and look forward to watching them come together for you. Sounds like a great plan!

  2. Your blocks look great. Good luck with the other 32.

  3. I love black and white (and grey) quilts. This will be an awesome gift! xo

  4. Pretty blocks, great way to sew curves without curves ;)


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