Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Diamonds (tutorial)

Diamonds are a girl's best friend - even when they are not the shiny, precious kind!

This mini quilt measures 9 1/2" square and can be put together quickly.

You'll need the following materials:

  • 18 squares of fabric, each 2 1/2"
  • 18 square of background fabric, each 2 1/2"
  • 12" square of backing material
  • 12" square of batting
  • 1 strip WOF (width of fabric) for binding.  I cut mine at 1 1/2" for a thin binding
To assemble:
  • Create 18 half-square triangles (HST) following the instructions here.  Press and trim each to 2".
  • Create 9 blocks - each block will use two sets of HST.  To assemble blocks, lay 2 sets of contrasting HST as shown in photo.
  • Sew top row and bottom row together.  Leave blocks connected (see that chain of thread?).  
  •  Press.

  • Sew top and bottom together.  Press.

  • Assemble your 9 blocks in a pleasing arrangement and assemble rows.
Your mini quilt top will now measure 9 1/2" square.  Press.

Quilt as desired.  For this sample, I did dense straight line quilting.  My first step was to stabilize the piece by sewing the a straight line through the centers of the blocks and then sewing around the edge of the entire piece.

The binding was cut at 1 1/2" and sewed on at something less than 1/4" to avoid loosing too much of the diamond points.

This quilt was also published on my blog A Stitch in Time.

Have a wonderful day! Patty

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Thanks for visiting Elm Street Quilts. Looking forward to hearing from you!