
Monday, May 22, 2023

Prepping for Joy

Summer is by far my favorite season of the year. I love to swim and hit the pool early every morning. I love sitting on the back porch in the afternoon to read or stitch. And I love the long days of daylight. 

I follow both Kitty @nightquilter and Allie @exhaustedoctupus. They've recently teamed up to offer a summer QAL called the Summer Lovin' Seaglass Sew Along and I've joined in!

The intent with the QAL is to identify things that bring you joy in the summer, seek out the joy, tracking the fun and rewarding yourself with a piece of fabric seaglass. The QAL begins on June 1 and runs through August.

To get started, you need to identify the areas of joy you will be tracking and the fabric you will assign to each event. The project is advertised as a scrap buster and as tempted as I am to buy some fabric, turns out I have a lot of good scrap pieces that I can use!

I'm still working on my list of items to track but I know for sure it will include swimming - maybe a seaglass piece for every 3 miles (I swim a mile a day) and also for socializing with family or friends. Other thoughts are finished quilts and/or books as well as planning unique things to look forward to each week. This could be as simple as going out for an ice cream treat or more involved like a day trip.

I am already so glad that I joined the QAL and making an investment in myself a priority.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. I need to get some fabric gathered. I loved the idea of seaglass, joy and a quilt! Now to join in the stash dive and pick my joys to track!

  2. It's such a smart way to get us thinking about prioritizing moments of joy and caring for ourselves. I loved reading all your ideas and look forward to seeing it evolve for you and reading about how it shifts your perspective. <3

  3. That sounds a fun QAL & hope you enjoy summer. Winter nearly here, but look forward to seeing your progress & bringing some summer sunshine to my days too. Take care & hugs from down under. PS: some of your scraps are familiar........

  4. I'm intrigued by this approach to making a Seaglass quilt. I think you've picked some good summertime activities to track. Impressive that you swim a mile each day. How I'd like to know how to do that! It's also wonderful that you'll use fabric scraps and stash. I can't tell you how good it has felt to "use-up" these past few months, as I've made a concentrated effort to do that. I'm pondering this Seaglass quiltmaking idea (I'm too cheap to want to pay to participate), and will enjoy watching you put yours together. Have fun with it!


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