
Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Just about a month to Valentine's Day.  February 14 - a day devoted to showing your loved ones just how much they mean to you with gifts of flowers, candy and other small items.

Elm Street Quilts would like to celebrate giving handmade in the entire month of February with Hugs. 

Hugs is about giving handmade to those in need - a way to tell them that someone cares.  Give a handmade hug to an ill friend or family member. Give a handmade hug to a charity that collects handmade for those in need.

Throughout the month of February, Elm Street Quilts will feature posts on organizations that accept handmade items and share tutorials and photos of the items I'll be making to donate.

Is there an organization you'd like me to feature?   Comment below or drop me an email at elmstreetquilts at gmail dot com.

My goal is to get lots and lots of participation - blanket the world with hugs in the month of February.

Will you help me spread the word?   Grab the button below and use #handmadehug or #ESQhugs as our social tags.

Besides tutorials, there will be a linky party so you can share what you made and donated - works in progress or recently donated are all good.

Grab the button and join me in Hugs!
Elm Street Quilts


  1. This is a fabulous idea. I look forward to each post and share.

  2. What a heart felt idea Patty. Perhaps contacting your local Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Volunteer Services, to see if there is a need for clothing, lap quilts, slippers, tote bags , etc. Our Veterans definitely gave all and we can always hug right back.

  3. Fantastic idea and any organizations will be great.


Thanks for visiting Elm Street Quilts. Looking forward to hearing from you!