
Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Bit of Blue - Project Quilting Challenge #15-2

This week's Project Quilting's challenge was "Sky Color" with the caveat that your quilt could have at the most the color sky blue. From my scrap bin, I chose several shade of orange to yellow and improv curved them all together. The mini quilt - 6" x 6.5" - came alive with the addition of pink thread and my walking foot.

My inspiration came from the beach sunrise photo - all yellows and oranges.

I decided to add a tiny bit of blue just because. And it could be my favorite part - the unexpected!

My quilt The Nest was my first project for this very fun challenge.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. Really pretty mini quilt. The oranges and yellows look like the photo- a beautiful sunrise.

  2. The unexpected blue is just right! Great rendition of a fabulous photo!

  3. That tiny sliver of blue is unexpected and delightful. Perfect quilting, too!

  4. This is absolutely perfect! That "bit of blue" made me smile and added so much interest to this piece! Just wow! Everyone is amazing me!!!!!

  5. LOVE that tiny sliver of sky blue in your lovely mini! It's such a wonderful interpretation of your inspiration photo.

  6. So pretty! Funnily, I didn't notice the blue bit at first, thinking you'd used a piece of blue painter's tape to stick-up the quilt for a picture! Ha, ha. I really like the pink thread for quilting.The size is pretty small. Do you have a plan for using it? Or hanging it?


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