
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

November One Monthly Goal Finish

Ready to link up your November finishes?
Don't panic - this link-up is open until November 30 at 11:55 pm ET.

For those in the US, Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm opening the link-up a day earlier than usual but you've still got to the end of the month to link up your finishes!

Want to see everyone's goals for the month - check out the November goal post.

My goal for November was to make some progress on orange peel blocks after first deciding whether to piece or applique.  Pieced it is!  You can read more about my project here.

Now it's your turn to link up!  Please add a link to this OMG post so others can follow where you are linking.   Let's make that easy -  just paste this into your post:  
Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. No goal-setting for me, but I wish you and all your family a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

  2. Good progress on your orange peel blocks.

  3. Love how your Orange Peels turned out. They are lovely!!! Thanks for hosting OMG, Patty!

  4. So exciting to meet my goal AND post the link before the very last moment! Thanks so much for the link up!

  5. Your orange peel blocks look great, love the colours, looks like Autumn to me.


Thanks for visiting Elm Street Quilts. Looking forward to hearing from you!