
Monday, December 16, 2019

Making a list...

and checking it twice...

How are you doing in the count down to Christmas?  Our tree (artificial) went up yesterday as did my little village.  The Christmas cards went out in the mail today.

3 of the 5 pillows I hope to make are done.  My Dad restored a 1974 VW - it was his pride and joy - and I made this in remembrance.  This will look nice tucked onto a chair.  The VW is raw edge applique and I use my FMQ foot to color the outline.  It was very fun to create!

Inside the pillow is a 12'' x 18'' pillow form (affiliate link) and love the size of the pillow.  (I use this brand of pillow forms all the time and really like them - lots of sizes available!) 

I've got 3 more things I want to make before Christmas plus hopefully some ornaments.  Neither project will take very long (I hope) but I need to get started!

Every single year, I feel the most holiday stress as we approach December 15.  Shipping deadlines suddenly loom.  All the things I need to do can seem overwhelming.   Thankfully this past weekend was productive and my college elf is home to help!

Happy holiday prep to you!

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. I have had a hard time getting my list made this year. So will just try to relaxn&enjoy the moments that the season brings! Merry Christmas!

  2. Love the VW pillow. We had a yellow one when I was young. I decided today I wanted to make two dresses for my nieces for Christmas. I must be crazy. Don't even have fabric LOL

  3. It is nice to have the college kids home to help out, it does help lesson the load. Good luck with the rest of your holiday preparations.

  4. What a fun pillow! I love the stitching details!


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