
Monday, November 18, 2019

My Next Hand Piecing Project

I love having handwork waiting for me when I want to sit and slow stitch.  I've learned that hand piecing is my favorite slow stitch past-time so I started a pillow size double wedding ring hand stitching project.

I'll need 4 of these blocks - each finishes at 10'' x 10''.

The fabric I'm using is all scraps from my tiny piecing project.  My first block is done but I think that dark purple really stands out (and not in a good way!)   I need to make sure I incorporate it quite of dark purple in the other blocks to balance things or unpick and insert another square in this first block..

I'm very happy to have a project at the ready when I want to sit and stitch!

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. Having hand work ready for those moments when you can sit and stitch is a great idea. What are you thinking about the dark purple now?

  2. This really looks nice, very convincing for us non-hand-sewing-people to try this out.

  3. Looks really good. Always good to mhave hand stitching for those quiet moments in life.


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