
Monday, September 9, 2019

August Temperatures

And now it is September.  The days get shorter and the nights get cooler.  Before summer ends, here is my temperature quilt through August - lots of red (90s) except when things cooled down at the end of the month!

Looks like a similar mix of orange (80s) and red (90s) as compared to 2018 but we did have those 3 days in the 70s this year!

Here is a mapping of the colors.

There are so many temperature quilts popping up and I love them.  I wrote up a tutorial on a temperature quilt if you are interested.  In addition, Anina is running a 2019 QAL!

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. I love seeing the progress/temperature at the end of the month. The comparison to last year is interesting, too. You have a lot more 90s weather than we do...not sure I would love that. Of course, your winter temps are more to my liking!

  2. These temperature quilts come out so interesting. Mine would be different since I’m six months here, six months there.


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