
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

May the Force Be With You

With the latest installment in the Star Wars saga releasing over the holidays, my family decided to go back and watch those original episodes - A New Hope (episode IV), The Empire Strikes Back (episode V) and Return of the Jedi (episode VI) over the New Year's holiday.

What fun we had.  While I remembered many of the classic scenes ("Luke, I am your father."), there was so much about each of these movies that I had forgotten.

As a result, I felt the need to make something Star Wars related.  Not sure yet where I'm headed with these blocks but it really doesn't matter.

Now off to make some of the good guys.

You can find more information about these block patterns designed by Kristy from  Quiet Play in her Quiet Play pattern store.

I'll be linking up my blocks with  Freemotion by the River,   WIP Wednesday's,  Let's Bee SocialMidweek Makers.  Needle and Thread Thursdays, Finish it Up Friday and Finished or Not Friday.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. It will be fun to see what these blocks evolve into for you!

  2. Cute idea. I remember the first Star Wars, I was a teenager. Hey, the blocks would make nice mug mats.

  3. Your blocks are great so far, it will be fun to watch where this takes you :)

  4. Great looking blocks. Good luck with the next ones. It's been so long since I've watched those movies. Never did see episodes 1 to 3.

  5. Too fun! Can't wait to see what you do with them - thank you for sharing today!

  6. These are so much fun! I've seen the patterns in Quiet Play's shop but I think is the first I've seen them sewn up. It will be fun to see what you do with them.

  7. Totally with you on this one :-) have been watching the episodes with my kids, this weekend we will watch VI, and then VII. My youngest is such a huge fan of Starwars and this pattern is a must have - thank you for showing these. Looking forward to what you will make.

  8. Very fun blocks. The original Star Wars trilogy is still one of my favorite marathon movie choices for when I get a solo sewing retreat.

  9. Very fun!!!! I really enjoy the new Star Wars movies they're putting out, and the classics will always be just that.

  10. I made a star wars quilt for my son using those same patterns. The hardest part was free hand drawing on the faces after I was finished sewing it all. I didn't want to ruin all that work! May the force be with you as you continue on this journey.


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