
Monday, July 10, 2017

Pillow exchange

I've belonged to my local Modern Quilt Guild for a year now and so very much enjoy the people, the challenges and our meetings.

We had a pillow exchange yesterday.  Assignments were handed out in secret.  I stalked my assignee a bit on Instagram and decided to focus on a pillow that used curves, orange (a dominant  color in her quilts) and use fabric from a favorite designer - Carolyn Friedlander.

I was so happy with what I came up with!

I quilted lines going every which way using my walking foot and had a blast.

I put a zipper in the back hidden by a flap of fabric.  (See tutorial.)

I managed to include a bit of the selvage in a place that will show if you lift up the zipper flap.  I really liked this bit!

The pillow form used was 2- x 20''.  Once quilted (photo below is before quilting), my pillow top measured roughly 19.5'' square.  The pillow form filled it out quite nicely.

Did I mention how much I loved doing the quilting?  It took awhile but I had music playing (Hamilton) and enjoyed every minute.

I created a tutorial on installing a zipper in a pillow back - check it out here!

I used this tutorial for making my templates and found this video on curved piecing quite useful.

I'll be linking up my pillow with  Freemotion by the River,   WIP Wednesday's,  Let's Bee SocialMidweek Makers.  Needle and Thread Thursdays, Finish it Up Friday and Finished or Not Friday.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. Love your pillow. I hope you'll show the one you receive. I'm in my second year with Music City Modern and I thoroughly enjoy the enthusiasm and energy of the younger crowd!

  2. This turned out beautifully, Patty, and I have to admit I saw it last night on the recipient's Instagram account. You nailed making something that she would love, and I hope you received something you enjoy, too. :)

  3. What a bright and fun pillow! The quilting is fun too.

  4. You did a beautiful and thoughtful job, Patty. Thanks for sharing. Always love to see closeups.

  5. Beautiful. It would fit in nicely at my house. ☺ I love orange.

  6. Oh, my goodness, Patty, it's GORGEOUS! I want to make one, too! I so love everything you do, I always want to copy you. I participated in a very special exchange this weekend, and it was sew much fun! I highly recommend it! It helps to stretch oneself, kind of like yoga for the brain!

  7. Love it! thanks for sharing your tutorials.

  8. This is such a pretty finish Patty, lucky recipient :)

  9. Very nice! I like the colors and that curvy star right in the middle!

  10. Very nice! Great fabrics and quilting too - you did a fantastic job! Thank you so much for sharing this and the tutorials this week on Midweek Makers.

  11. What a great pillow! Love the way your quilted it!


  12. Hi Patty,
    What a fun challenge! I love the stalking on Instagram - I thought I was the only person who stalked in a non-scary way. HAHA The pillow turned out fabulous! And the quilting - well, that too is fab. I love seeing walking foot techniques - that is my wheel house right now. I am 100% sure she will love it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. I love the colors and the design of the pillow, and the selvedge edge is really clever.

  14. Such a happy pillow, I'm sure your friend felt like a million dollars!

  15. Beautiful pillow Patty and I know your recipient adores it. Great tip spying on her IG page:) Thank you for the zipper tutorial also...quite helpful.



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