
Sunday, December 4, 2016

A view of November

Time to share photos of my world - joining up with the Wandering Camera link up party @ Whims and Fancies.

For much of November, we had really wonderful weather - perfect for walks.  I try to get out everyday and took these shots in two of my local parks.

Hope you enjoy a view from my part of the world.

One of my favorite views - you can see lake through the trees.


Inspiration for my Falling Maple Leaf quilt  (i.e. the scattered nature of the leaves, not the fact that they are already on the ground)

My favorite trail

Sign found on Pine Cone Trail.  May not be walking here again.

Giant rabbits.  Sign says "Please keep dogs away."

Me and my walking buddies standing next to giant rabbit.

Rock in tree.  Unclear why it is there but it is even cooler in person.
The top series of photos were taken in Bond Park in Cary, NC.  The second group were taken via my iPhone at the NC Art Museum.  The bunnies were (sadly) a temporary exhibit to celebrate the opening of a new outdoor area of the museum.

December is a busy month on my blog.  Some things to check out if you are a new visitor or an old friend.

  • One Monthly Goal - set yourself a quilting (or knitting, sewing) goal and link up your goal in the begiining of the month and your finish at the end.  Great prizes from terrific sponsors
  • Bag It - Link up your handmade bags for a chance for great prizes.  Plenty of free tutorials available.
Plus Wednesday, the 7th, is Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day.  I'll be participating so stop back then!

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. It's usually more fun to do things with friends. It looks like a great place for photos, with the lovely scenery. I love the rabbits a lot!

  2. Wow, those are some impressive bunnies, and now I want to know the story behind that rather large rock in the tree?! Maybe bigfoot at work?

  3. Those are some big bunnies, but I know a few dogs that would still want to take them on!

  4. Lovely photos! I am quite intrigued by the rock in the tree :)

    Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera!


Thanks for visiting Elm Street Quilts. Looking forward to hearing from you!