
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bag It - Boxing those corners

(This post was originally published as part of the 2015 Bag It event.)

Remember the lovely bag from Monday?  It finished at a great size of 4 x 6''.

Let's start over with the same 'ingredients' and by boxing the corners get a bag that stands on its own!

I've made this bag with a piece of fabric but you could use mini charms too!

You'll need the following (same as basic zip pouch)

  • two (2) pieces of outer fabric at 4½ x 6½''
  • two (2) pieces of lining fabric at 4½ x 6½''
  • four (4) pieces of fusible fleece each at  4½ x 6½''
  • one (1) zipper at least 7'' long.  (NOTE - this tutorial assumes you are cutting your zipper to size as per thetutorial.  If you didn't want to do this, use a 6'' zipper.)

Follow all the basic instructions in the basic zip pouch tutorial except before the bag is turned inside out, we've added a step!

So assemble your bag and sew right sides together, leaving a gap for turning it inside out.

Line your ruler against the stitching line and draw a box 3/4 '' by 3/4 ''

Do this for both corners of the outer fabric and both corners of the lining.

With a small scissor, cut on the line.

Fold over so that the seam from the side aligns well with the seam from the bottom.  Pin and sew.

Repeat for both corners of the outer fabric and both corners of the lining.

Turn bag inside out and enjoy!

boxing corners zip bag tutorial

Are you enjoying this series as much as I am?

I hope you've got great plans to make and share bags.

See the Elm Street Quilts Bag It information page for more information.

This post was sponsored by Zipit, an Etsy store.

Have a wonderful day! Patty


  1. Great tutorials you are sharing. Thanks.

  2. Thank you for the tutorial! Great photos and instructions....

  3. Got bag #1 done today. Maybe I can get to this one tomorrow. It should whip up more quickly!

  4. Another gorgeous bag and great tuto.Thanks


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