
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

October One Monthly Goal Finish Link-up

Ready to link up your October finishes?
Don't panic - this link-up is open until October 31 at 11:55 pm ET.

Want to see everyone's goals for the month - 
check out the October goal page!

My goal for October was to finish my Lovely Llamas quilt - a gift for a family member who moved across country.  I'm pleased to say the quilt is finished!  You can see more about the quilt on this post.

Now it's your turn to link up!  Please add a link to this OMG post so others can follow where you are linking.   Let's make that easy -  just paste this into your post:  

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Monday, October 24, 2022

Orange Scraps

I store my scraps smaller than a F8 sorted by color.  When the small bins start to overflow, its time to take them out for a spin!  Such was the case for my orange/yellow/gold/brown bin.  The colors also suggested fall so I had a bit of improv fun and created my mini circle quilt below.

When the circle mini was done, I had a bit of a flashback to a piece of artwork that hung in the living of my parents home in the 70s!

The orange peels came about because I am thinking about doing a 100 day project to make a bunch of orange peel blocks.  Using my orange scraps was a great way to practice and sitting on the back porch on a warm fall afternoon was just a perfect way to spend some time.

It was some good practice too because I sewed way too many stitches for my first orange peel and my stitching got more even and faster over time.   I'm looking for a handwork project and although not a big fan of needle turned applique, I may just give this a try. 

I'm not done with my orange box of scraps so more play time ahead!

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Sea of Tranquility

In 1969, Apollo astronauts landed on the moon for the first time in an area known as the Sea Of Tranquility.  As a kid, I was fascinated with NASA and the Apollo program and remember being glued to the t.v. as each  mission unfolded.  This experience has stayed with me for my entire adult life.  I still enjoy looking up at the moon each night and with a recent purchase of a telescope, I’ve gotten the opportunity to explore different moon features from the comfort of the ground.  My quilt Sea Of Tranquility captures a nighttime viewing of our moon through my daughter’s window.

The quilting was a fun experiment using different thread shades and weights to create the texture in the design.  You can really see the different quilting densities on the back.

The quilt was created in support of the QuiltCon Ruby + Bee challenge using 4 of the 6 fabrics.  I will also be entering it into my local guild’s monochromatic challenge.

The quilt measure 28.5" x 31".  I've got a spot all planned for where it will hang in my home!

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Friday, October 14, 2022

Lovely Llamas Quilt

(Ignore the feet.)

Typically I get my husband to hold the quilts while I photograph.  However, for the Lovely Llamas quilt, I took advantage of a walk in a park with my daughter and gave her the job of photography.... which meant I was the quilt holder.  (I'm sure my husband will be relieved to know that he has some job security as a quilt holder!)

A family member just moved to Arizona and I wanted to make a quilt as a house warming gift for their new home.   Several years ago, I won a fat quarter bundle of the Pacha line from Art Gallery Fabrics.  The prints are so sweet - filled with several different animals that live in the southwest US.  My plan was to use the fabric to make a baby quilt (and there is enough fabric left that I can still do so!) but it is also perfect for this quilt.

Love those hedgehogs!

I paired the Pacha fabric with solids - Paintbrush Studio's Midnight and Wasabi.  The quilt measures about 57" square. 

My intent with the quilt design was to have the squares appear randomly placed in the final design but to actually be built with five basic 12" blocks.

The worlds best quilt model!

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Saturday, October 8, 2022

HRT BOM October Update

The blocks for both September and October were fun to put together.  It is working out well (for me) to do 2 months at a time.

This means 2 more blocks to go from the Modern HST BOM.   They all look so good together - even the few I don't really like on their own!

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Saturday, October 1, 2022

October One Monthly Goal

Welcome to October!

New to One Monthly Goal?  Welcome!  To join, share a photo of your project plus, some words about what you want to accomplish in a blog post, an Instagram post (tutorial) or a post on Flickr and add that photo to the link-up.  Return at the end of the month and share your results.  (Results link-up opens for the last 7 days of the month.)

My goal for October is to get my Llama quilt finished - the quilting is underway.  (Since this is a gift, I've not shared much about this - can't wait to get it done!)

Now it is your turn to link up - what is your goal for this month?   The One Monthly Goal accomplishment linkup will be available on October 25.  Make sure you add a link to this OMG post so others can find the OMG link-up from your blog.  Let's make that easy -  just paste this into your post:  

Take a few minutes to visit others and make new friends!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Have a wonderful day! Patty