
Monday, June 29, 2015

The 4th of July

This mini finishes 13" high by 21" long.

You'll need:

  • Scrap of blue fabric, roughly 8" by 7"
  • Strips of red and white fabric, a mix of strips cut at 1 1/4"  with two of the red strips cut at 2". Each should be about 15" long.

Before assembling your strips, go ahead and find a coloring book page (google is your friend) that will print out for the size  you want.  I wanted one bigger than what would print on a single sheet of paper so I drew a freehand outline to the size I wanted using the coloring book page as a guide.

For the top half, you'll use 3 strips of red and 3 strips of white at 1 1/4" and 1 strip red at 2".  Sew together in pattern, putting the 2" red strip at the top.  Press. Your sewn strips should be roughly 6 1/2" tall and 15" long.  

Sew the square of stars to the left.  Line up the bottom edge, aligning the 8" dimension to the side of the strips

Assemble the bottom half, this time using 3 strips each of red and white, putting the wider strip at the bottom.

Sew together (aligning left edges) and press. 

Since I failed to take a photo at this point - I create this illustration so you'll see what your odd shaped mini will now look like.  You'll be able to position your USA outline within this outline.

Trace a mirror image of your outline onto fusible and then carefully secure onto the back side of your flag.

Cut and adhere to your background fabric.  Quilt as desired.

Have a wonderful day! Patty

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


What does Namaste mean?  

The literal definition is 'I bow to you'.  I found multiple interpretations on line and liked this one the best -

Namaste - a symbol of gratitude and respect; it is a way of sending out to the universe something good, something that makes sense in that instant.....

To make this mini quilt which finishes at 9 1/2" square you will need:
  • 6 squares of fabric at 2"
  • 1 rectangle (cream) cut at 3" by 9 1/2"
  • 1 rectangle (create) cut at 6" by 9 1/2"
  • fabric for backing roughly 10" square
  • fabric for binding  - 1 strip WOF at 2"


Sew the 6 mini squares together.  Press

Sew each of the (cream) rectangles to the top and the bottom.  Press.

Write namaste on a piece of paper to get a pleasing size and letter font.  Using a water soluble or a frixion pen, trace namaste onto the fabric.

Assemble your quilt sandwich and quilt organic, wavy lines.  No rules here - just have fun with this one!

Using your favorite floss, take small stitches over the traced word.  Once done, remove your pen lines (with water or heat as applicable.)   You could choose to embroider the word and then quilt but I like the look of my stitches going over the quilting instead of the other way around.

Bind and enjoy!


Have a wonderful day! 


Monday, June 1, 2015

Ode to 402

Old friend.

You served me well.  Late nights, early mornings and stolen hours on the weekend.

Life without you would have been empty.

But we must move on.

Make new friends.  Make new memories.

Like brand new pencils on the first day of school, new friends are filled with promise.   

Promise of excitement.

Promise of learning.

Promise of time together ignoring chores and children.

To new friends.

Have a wonderful day! Patty